RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 21, ES1006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000747, 2021
Article Map
Topographic experiments over dynamical processes in the Norwegian Sea
- Figure 1. The study area. The color indicates bottom topography (m). The...
- Figure 2. Bottom topography for topographical experiments. Isobath carried...
- Figure 3. Time-mean spatial distribution of velocities, m s$^{-1}$...
- Figure 4. Mean velocity fields at the 500 m horizon (top) and vertical...
- Figure 5. Temperature at the 500 m horizon (top) and vertical cross-sections...
- Figure 6. Relative vorticity (color) and velocities (arrows) at the 95...
- Figure 7. Relative vorticity (color) and velocities (arrows) at the 95...
- Figure 8. Temporal variability of MLD averaged for the area of the LB (red),...
- Figure 9. Seasonal variability of the mean values of MLD from 1993–1997...
- Figure 10. Spatial distribution of MLD (m) in February averaged for 1993–1997...
- Figure 11. Spatial distribution of EKE (cm$^2$ s$^{-2}$) in February...
- Table 1. The Time (in Months) Necessary for the Generation of the Quasi-Permanent...
Citation: Belonenko Tatyana V., Vladimir S. Travkin, Aleksey V. Koldunov, Denis L. Volkov (2021), Topographic experiments over dynamical processes in the Norwegian Sea, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 21, ES1006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000747.
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