RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 21, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000751, 2021

Table 2. Discretization Thresholds and Values of $P$
Discretization into 2 partsDiscretization into 3 parts
Threshold P, % Thresholds P, %
$H_\text{max}$, m 2082 13 1740; 2372 20
$H_\text{min}$, m 684 26 509; 916 31
$\Delta{H}$, m 1298 9 1099; 1496 22
$l$, m 37990 9 31700; 42790 18
g$H$ 0.03887 15 0.02772; 0.05143 29
$Q$, % 19 7 10; 30 18
$Mor$ 2 36 2; 3 36
$N_{l}$ 2 7 2; 3 17
$R_{h}$ 1 2 1; 2 3
$D_\text{int}$, km 64 5 47; 84 4
$D_{1}$, km 0 4 0; 70 4
$D_{2}$, km 83 16 0; 107 14
$N_{lc}$ 3 4 2; 3 12
$B_\text{max}$, mGal –144.17 36 –161.22; –118.80 41
$B_\text{min}$, mGal –200.72 44 –225.84; –182.44 57
$\Delta{B}$, mGal 55.52 26 43.51; 66.49 12
$A_\text{max}$, nT 117.97 10 83.29; 172.62 3
$A_\text{min}$, nT –123.46 3 –169.54; –103.81 14
$\Delta{A}$, nT 269.11 3 200.27; 332.02 8

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Citation: Gorshkov A. I., A. A. Soloviev (2021), Recognition of earthquake-prone areas in the Altai-Sayan-Baikal region based on the morphostructural zoning, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 21, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000751.

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