
Figure 1
[5]  The present research is aimed at the integration of data on geography, geology, geophysics, geoecology and other Earth sciences in the comprehensive problem-oriented geoinformation system (GIS) [Belov et al., 2007; Beriozko and Eliutin, 1995] including the intellectual system of geoinformation analysis (see Figure 1).

[6]  The developed theory and methods of artificial intelligence must become not only an integral, but the main core (nucleus) of a modern geoinformation system. At the present time geoinformation systems provide only limited opportunities for general analysis of geodata handled. At the same time, among the scientific community, dealing with the Earth sciences data, the requirement of more profound and comprehensive data analyzing and processing is constantly growing. The methods of fuzzy mathematics, developed by the GC RAS correlate with a fuzzy character of geophysical data [Agayan and Soloviev, 2004; Gvishiani et al., 2002, 2003a, 2005b; Mikhailov et al., 2003; Soloviev et al., 2005; Zlotnicki et al., 2005]. It not only brings the analysis of initial geodata to the higher scientific and practical level, but provides scientifically based recommendations on interpreting the results obtained. As it was pointed out by a number of leading scientists of the world, due to the fact that the data and knowledge of the Earth are incomplete and fuzzy by their nature, their most adequate presentation and formal method of processing should also be fuzzy. The evaluation of natural environment and risk is a task of identification of a complex character of potentially dangerous situation on the basis of huge data volumes of environmental monitoring. The artificial intelligence methods, developed by the GC RAS, and presently applied to volcanic activity monitoring, search of magnetic and gravitational anomalies, search and interpretation of anomalies in geophysical fields, detecting of signals on various types of times series records, to solving geodynamic problems etc., turned out to be a success.

[7]  The following three tasks are supposed to be solved:

[8]  1. The GIS technology application for elaboration and programme realization of the integrated geoinformation environment, assigned for unification, processing and visualization of databases and knowledge on geography, geology, geophysics and geoecology of Russia and their availability in the Internet;

[9]  2. Elaboration in the GIS environment of a digital map of the Russian Federation, incorporating various thematic layers of data of geographical, geological, geophysical geoecological, technogenic and economic character;

[10]  3. Adaptation of the existing artificial intelligence algorithms of geodata processing for their direct incorporation into the GIS environment.

[11]  The first task main objective is development and expansion of means of integration in the comprehensive geoinformation environment of different cartographic, geological-geophysical data and events, natural processes and phenomena with data on the technosphere.

[12]  The second task presumes creating in the GIS environment a digital map of the Russian Federation, incorporating thematic layers of the following data: topography, geodesy and gravimetry, spatial geodesy, remote sensing of the Earth, hydrography, geology, natural minerals, geoecology, seismology, oceanography (for the seas, surrounding Russia), volcanoes, tectonics, plates motion direction and velocities according to GPS data, etc. Each thematic layer will be supplied with the corresponding metadata information structured and organized in accordance with the special template elaborated. The family of programmes ArcGIS 9, developed by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI, USA) will serve as a foundation of this information system.

[13]  The third task is aimed at construction of an algorithmic shell in the frame of GIS, ensuring the intellectual capacity of GIS-infrastructure. The shell will comprise a set of customizable algorithms for geodata processing and decision making based on geostatistical and artificial intelligence methods. These methods were developed and applied successfully for a long period of time by the Geophysical Center of RAS, one of the internationally famous institutes, engaged in developing algorithms on the basis of fuzzy mathematics. The algorithms are being applied in important international projects, including the joint collaboration with France, USA and Ukraine on volcanoes monitoring, seismicity, seismic risk evaluation, prediction of eruptions, earthquakes etc. The results of this work are regularly published by prestigious international scientific editions.


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