Climatic Conditions

[16]  The total glacial zone of the Kolka Glacier resides in the nival zone. The average annual air temperatures are positive up to the elevations of 2000-2300 m, become negative at higher levels, and amount to - 10oC at the height of 4000 m. Precipitation is highly irregular for the basin territory, both in time and space. According to the data reported by K. P. Rototaev, very characteristic is a summer maximum, associated with the reactivation of the cold fronts of the Atlantic cyclones [Rototaev, 1974]. During the anticyclone conditions the bulk of the summer precipitation is provided by the local vertical convection. Most of the days with solid precipitation fall to January. The precipitation amounts are distributed by the seasons in the following way: 500 mm and more in summer, 199-150 mm in autumn, 150-200 mm in winter, and 200 mm and more in spring.


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