
[2]  There are grounds to believe that the Caspian Sea basin, whose crust belongs rather to suboceanic than continental type, is neither a part of the ancient East-European platform nor an epicratonic element and can be considered as a relatively young sedimentary basin [Egorkin, 1998; Kostyuchenko et al., 1999, 2000; Richter, 1997, 2003]. This deeply submerged structure with anomalously thick sedimentary complex up to 18-22 km most likely represents one of "basalt windows" inside the continental crust [Kunin, 1976]. Thus the problem of the relation between Ural mobile belt and the Caspian Sea basin is brought up at a new level. This junction area is located at the southern continuation of collision structures of the Urals western slope and its foredeep extending along the eastern margin of the East-European platform. The junction area of the Caspian Sea basin and the southern part of Hercynides of Ural folded belt has a number of features of the deep structure that at present have not received of adequate explanation.


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