Detailed velocity structure of the Malvinas/Falkland Current (M/FC) was studied based on the high-resolution shipborne ADCP direct current observations. The measurements were carried out along the transect located between 58o00' W and 60o22' W. The M/FC total transport in the upper 500 meters layer was 22.8 Sv (1 Sv =106 m3 s-1). The measurements show the separation of the current flow into two jets: the wide and high-velocity Main jet whose average speed was 0.52 m s-1 and also the narrow Onshore jet. The Main jet transport was more than 62% of the total current transport. The average speed of the Onshore jet was 0.36 ms1 and its transport was only 1.4 Sv (about 6% of total current transport). The low velocity zone which separates the two jets contains residuary 32% of the total volume transport.