
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES VOL. 11, RE2004, doi:10.2205/2009ES000401, 2009

Geoinformation technologies of geomagnetic observations in Borok Geophysical Observatory

S. V. Anisimov and E. M. Dmitriev

Borok Geophysical observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Borok, Yaroslavl Region, Russia


Geomagnetic field observations allow to get information about the structure, evolution and current state of both: the solid Earth and its gaze-plasma shells. The data of continuous ground geomagnetic field observations in geophysical and geomagnetic observatories are especially demanded by researchers. Necessity to obtain the operative information on geomagnetic field dynamics is caused also by development of modern navigation systems, improvement of weather forecast quality and diagnostics of medical and biologic effects induced by solar activity. Thus efficiency of data acquisition and data delivery to Internet users assumes creation of geomagnetic databases directly inside the operating geomagnetic observatories.

The measuring complex of Borok Geophysical Observatory IPE RAS (58o04'N, 38o14'E] had been constantly upgraded and extended since its foundation (1957), keeping continuity of main observations. At the present time geomagnetic observations in BGO IPE RAS include: continuous long-term observations of ultralow-frequency geomagnetic pulsations, registration of geomagnetic field variations, regular absolute geomagnetic measurements. BGO IPE RAS has taken part in the Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network (SAMNET) since 1998 and in the International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network (INTERMAGNET) since 2003.

Radical changes in the measuring complex are connected with implementation of geoinformation technologies to record, process and store the geomagnetic data. The raw data from all sensors of geomagnetic fields are collected by three specialized data logging systems, connected to the local data logging network. The data processing computer and the Observatory database server are also connected to the local data logging network. Thus the local data logging network is carried out through the switchboard functioning independently of the Observatory local area network. The data processing computer makes data formatting, averaging, transforming to physical quantity, and also the primary analysis of the raw data. Files with graphics data representation are generated here. Further all obtained files are transferred to the Observatory database server which provides maintenance of the Observatory database. The Observatory database server maintains as well the Observatory database web-site making the information on sensors and data logging systems, the data descriptions and data plots available to web visitors, as well as the interface forms for the data requests.

The realization of the modern geoinformation technologies in continuous geomagnetic observations and the creation of database with Internet access allowed to provide efficient access of data of geomagnetic observations, to increase the number of geomagnetic data user, to expand the list of scientific and practical solvable tasks.

Received 2 November 2009; accepted 13 November 2009; published 2 December 2009.

Keywords: magnetometry, observations, observatory, database, information technology


Citation: Anisimov S. V., E. M. Dmitriev (2009), Geoinformation technologies of geomagnetic observations in Borok Geophysical Observatory, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 11, RE2004, doi:10.2205/2009ES000401.

Copyright 2009 by the Russian Journal of Earth Sciences