
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES VOL. 6, NO. 6, PAGES 385–389, doi:10.2205/2004ES000165, 2004

Numerical analysis of geodynamic evolution of the Earth based on a thermochemical model of mantle convection: 3-D model

V. D. Kotelkin

Mechanical-Mathematical Faculty of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

L. I. Lobkovsky

P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, Moscow, Russia


[1]  Evolution of the Earth's mantle from a hot initial state is modelled in the Boussinesq approximation within the framework of a thermochemical model. The spatial dynamics of substance within a spherical layer is illustrated by video records. Introduction of a chemical component into intermittent (with regard for an endothermic phase transition) thermal convection facilitates the overcoming of the phase barrier, enhances nonlinearity of the dynamic process, and promotes the formation of new cycles in the evolutionary process. As a result, avalanches become more numerous in the thermochemical variant and reduce to a regional scale; therefore, it is more natural to associate them with Bertrand (rather than Wilson) cycles. A basically new result of the numerical modelling is that convection developing from an unstable hot initial state gives rise to global mantle overturns (see Animations 2, 3, 4) decaying with cooling material and remarkably correlating with data of historical geology on Wilson cycles. The inferred spatial patterns of overturns are represented by a single funnel-shaped sink and a few uprising superplumes, accounting for the origins of supercontinents, opening of oceans, and the observed asymmetry of the planet.

Received 22 January 2005; published 27 January 2005.

Keywords: numerical analysis, geodynamic evolution, Earth's mantle, origins of supercontinents, numerical simulation.

Citation: Kotelkin, V. D., and L. I. Lobkovsky (2004), Numerical analysis of geodynamic evolution of the Earth based on a thermochemical model of mantle convection: 3-D model, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 6, No.6, 385-389, doi:10.2205/2004ES000165.

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