RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 21, ES1003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000723, 2021

Table 3. The Content of Methane and Sulfates in the Sediments of the Vistula Lagoon (2011 data are taken from [Pimenov et al., 2013], 2012 from [Ulyanova et al., 2013]).
CH$_4$, $\mu$mol/dm$^3$SO$_4^{2-}$, mmol/l
Point/ Horizon, cm
Depth, m 06–2011 09–2012 09–2013 07–2015 06–2011 09–2013 07–2015
1/4.0 Near-bottom
water 0.23
0–5 242 2.8/6.2 144 1.5 2.92 2.92 1.7
5–10 357 5.3/5.9 160 4.1 2.85 3.23 3.6
17–22 372 18.7/– 263 1.83 2.19
22–27 361 269 1.67 2.08
27–32 332 310 1.15 1.98
2/4.1 Near-bottom
water 0.20
0–3 93.2 3.3/2.5 194 1.3 2.4 4.9 3.2
3–8 95.9 12.2/5.3 202 7.4 2.38 5.31
8–12 95.2 129/124 274 578 1.71 3.23 1.1
15–20 106 399/521 2276 555 1.43 1.15 1.0
20–25 111 8515 1.11 0.42
25–30 8523 0.42
GNO/4.0 Near-bottom
water 0.09
0–2 2.42 2.61
3–8 11.44 2.49
9–13 15.63 1.98
GNO2/4.0 Near-bottom
water 0.09
0–1 3.07
2–4 7.90
5–10 14.73
Per/4.0 Near-bottom
water 0.07
0–1 4.28 3.13
2–6 8.65
7–12 16.07 2.79
Note: Methane concentration was measured by phase-equilibrium degassing using a Crystal 2000 gas chromatograph. The sulfate ion in the pore water of sediments was determined using a Stayer ion chromatograph.
* September 18, 2012 / September 22, 2012.

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Citation: Ulyanova M., T. Malakhova, D. Evtushenko, Yu. Artemov, V. Egorov (2021), Comparison of methane distribution in bottom sediments of shallow lagoons of the Baltic and Black Seas, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 21, ES1003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000723.

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