RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES4006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000734, 2020

Figure 7. Upper-layer modal function $\phi_1$ of interfacial ring waves for $\theta = 0$ (top), $\theta = \frac \pi 2$ (middle) and $\theta = \pi$ (bottom). Here, $\rho_1 = 1, \rho_2 = 1.0001, d = 0.7$; $U(z) = \gamma (z-d)$ with $\gamma = 0$ (blue, solid) and $\gamma = 0.015$ (red, dashed).

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Citation: Khusnutdinova Karima (2020), Long internal ring waves in a two-layer fluid with an upper-layer current, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES4006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000734.

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