RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES5005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000715, 2020

Table 3. The Descriptive Statistics of Meridional Velocity Component and Also the Volume Transport of the M/FC and its Main Elements
Elements of the current Minimum Maximum Average Standard Number Area, Transport,
deviation of counts km$^2$(%) Sv (%)
Main jet (without core) 0.309 0.617 0.473 0.089 4853 21.81 (29.31) 10.31 (45.17)
Main jet core 0.618 0.926 0.678 0.051 1319 5.77 (7.75) 3.92 (17.16)
Onshore jet 0.309 0.559 0.365 0.043 786 3.72 (5.00) 1.36 (5.96)
Background stream $-0.361$ 0.308 0.167 0.081 9474 43.13 (57.94) 7.24 (31.71)
Whole current $-0.362$ 0.926 0.309 0.193 16432 74.43 (100) 22.82 (100)

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Citation: Krechik V. A. (2020), The upper layer of the Malvinas/Falkland current: Structure, and transport near 46\deg S in January 2020, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES5005, doi:10.2205/2020ES000715.

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