RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES3003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000712, 2020

Petromagnetism and paleomagnetism of the Tarkhanian sediments in Kop-Takyl section (the Kerch Peninsula)

O. V. Pilipenko, E. V. Filina, Yu. V. Rostovtseva, Z. Novruzov


A petromagnetic and paleomagnetic study of the Tarkhanian sediments of the Kop-Takyl section was carried out in order to obtain data on magnetostratigraphy of the Miocene sedimentary succession of Eastern Paratethys. The Kop-Takyl section is located on the Black Sea coast of Kerch Peninsula and is composed mainly of clay deposits characterized by a weak magnetization. The main carriers of magnetization are a monoclinic pyrrhotite and a low concentration of magnetite. The total thickness of the studied deposits is $\sim 53-56$ m. Magnetic anisotropy was studied to justify the reliability of the obtained results. Paleomagnetic studies have shown that the considered interval of the Kuvinian beds of the Tarkhanian in the lower parts is composed of sediments of normal polyrity magnetization, and rocks in its upper part are reversed magnetized. The rocks of the Terskian and Argunian beds are characterized by normal polarity magnetization, too. For correct interpretation of the position of the Tarkhanian regional stage in the general stratigraphic scale, additional interdisciplinary research is required, including the study of these sediments by cyclostratigraphy methods to determine sedimentation rates and the possible duration of sediment accumulation.

Received 14 April 2020; accepted 5 May 2020; published 29 May 2020.

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Citation: Pilipenko O. V., E. V. Filina, Yu. V. Rostovtseva, Z. Novruzov (2020), Petromagnetism and paleomagnetism of the Tarkhanian sediments in Kop-Takyl section (the Kerch Peninsula), Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES3003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000712.

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