RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES5002, doi:10.2205/2020ES000701, 2020

Figure 4. The averaged % reflectance values obtained on 20 July 2008; 5 August 2008; 13 August 2008 [Hadjimitsis et al.,2008]. The average reflectance value was obtained on 20 July 2008; 5 August 2008; 13 August 2008.

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Citation: Hung Nguyen Nhu, Le Minh Hang, Tran Van Anh, Le Vu Hong Hai (2020), Assessment the effect of atmospheric correction algorithms for monitoring PM10 concentration by using Landsat 8OLI data: A case study in Hanoi, Vietnam, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES5002, doi:10.2205/2020ES000701.

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