RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000698, 2020

Table 2. Range of Elemental Ratios of Lower Gondwana Group Sandstones Compared to Elemental Ratios in Sediments Derived From Felsic Rocks, Mafic Rocks, and in the Upper Continental Crust
Elemental Lower Gondwana Ranges in Ranges in Upper
ratio Group sandstones sediments from sediments from Continental
($n = 33$) felsic sources$^1$ mafic sources$^1$ Crust$^2$
La/Sc 0.19–6.74 2.50–16.3 0.43–0.86 2.21
Th/Sc 0.39–3.37 0.84–20.5 0.05–0.22 0.79
La/Co 0.07–15.4 1.80–13.8 0.14–0.38 1.76
Th/Co 0.50–14.40 0.04–3.25 0.04–1.40 0.63
Cr/Th 0.06–8.83 4.00–15.0 25–500 7.76
Note: $^1$ [Cullers, 1994, 2000; Cullers and Podkovyrov, 2000; Cullers et al., 1988]. $^2$ [McLennan, 2001; Taylor and McLennan, 1985].

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Citation: Mahanta Bashab N., B. R. Syngai, R. K. Sarmah, T. K. Goswami, Amit Kumar (2020), Geochemical signatures of Lower Gondwana sandstones of eastern Arunachal Himalayas, India: Implications for tectonic setting, provenance and degree of weathering, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000698.

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