RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000698, 2020

Table 1. Lithostratigraphic Succession of the Study Area (After [GSI, 2010])
Age Supergroup Group Lithology
Miocene– Siwalik Micaceous, hard Sandstone and shale intercalated
Pliocene with nodular clay beds, Felspathic sandstone,
claystone, siltstone, shale with calcareous nodules
plant fossils and occasional coal, petrified wood.
Paleocene– Abor Basic volcanics with pyroclast and volcanogenic
Eocene sediments with occasional limestone.
Permian Gondwana Lower Gondwana Diamictite, orthoquartzite, grey shale, coal,
(Bichom Fm) carbonaceous shale, siltstone, sandstone
Carbonaceous shale, grey shale.
Palaeozoic Miri Skolithos bearing pink quartzite, Orthoquartzite,
bands of phyllite and occassional conglomerate.

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Citation: Mahanta Bashab N., B. R. Syngai, R. K. Sarmah, T. K. Goswami, Amit Kumar (2020), Geochemical signatures of Lower Gondwana sandstones of eastern Arunachal Himalayas, India: Implications for tectonic setting, provenance and degree of weathering, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000698.

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