RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES6005, doi:10.2205/2019ES000691, 2019

Table 2. The Initial List of Geological-Geophysical and Geomorphological Characteristics of Recognition Objects in the Caucasus
Characteristics Algorithm
Maximum height $H_{\max}$ "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
Minimum height $H_{\min}$ "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The range of heights $dH = H_{\max}- H_{\min}$ "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
Height gradient $dH/l$
The combination of relief types Top "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The area of Quaternary sediments $Q$ "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The highest rank of lineament HR "Barrier-3"
The number of lineaments at the intersection NL "Cora-3"
The distance to the nearest intersection $R_{\mathrm{int}}$ "Barrier-3"
Number of lineaments in the neighborhood
of the intersection NLC "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The distance to the nearest lineament of rank I R1 "Barrier-3"
The distance to the nearest lineament of rank II R2 "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The maximum value of the Bouguer anomaly $B_{\max}$ "Cora-3"
The minimum value of the Bouguer anomaly $B_{\min}$ "Cora-3"
The range of the Bouguer anomaly values $dB = B_{\max}- B_{\min}$ "Barrier-3", "Cora-3"
The maximum value of magnetic anomaly $MO_{\max}$ "Cora-3"
The minimum value of magnetic anomaly $HO_{\min}$ "Cora-3"
The range of the magnetic anomaly values $MO_{\mathrm{dif}} = MO_{\max}- MO_{\min}$ "Cora-3"

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Citation: Dzeboev B. A., A. A. Soloviev, B. V. Dzeranov, J. K. Karapetyan, N. A. Sergeeva (2019), Strong earthquake-prone areas recognition based on the algorithm with a single pure training class. II. Caucasus, $M \geq $ 6.0. Variable EPA method, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES6005, doi:10.2205/2019ES000691.

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