RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES5003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000633, 2018

Figure 2. Sea level spectra at stations in the White Sea: (a) Sosnovets, (b) Severodvinsk, (c) Solovki, and in the Siberian continental shelf seas: (d) Preobrajenie, (e) Tiksi, (f) Wrangel. Peaks corresponding to major tidal harmonics (O$_1$, K$_1$, M$_2$, N$_2$, S$_2$, M$_4$ and M$_6$). The length of the spectral window ($N$) with the number of degrees of freedom ($\nu$) in spectra are specified and corresponding confidence intervals are shown.

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Citation: Kulikov M. E., I. P. Medvedev, A. T. Kondrin (2018), Seasonal variability of tides in the Arctic Seas, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES5003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000633.

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