RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES5006, doi:10.2205/2018ES000630, 2018

Currents and water structure north of the Vema Channel

E. G. Morozov, R. Yu. Tarakanov, D. I. Frey, D. G. Borisov


We consider measurements of currents north of the Vema Channel with the goal to find continuations of the bottom water flow after Antarctic Bottom Water leaves the Vema Channel and discharges to the Brazil Basin. We found two smaller channels of the continuation of this flow, one of which is directed to the east and the other to the north. The flow of the coldest water and the magnitudes of its velocity are important for the sedimentation processes, which occur in this region. We analyze the hydrology of the bottom water needed to compare the conditions of environment and the structure of sediments.

Received 3 June 2018; accepted 29 June 2018; published 7 November 2018.

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Citation: Morozov E. G., R. Yu. Tarakanov, D. I. Frey, D. G. Borisov (2018), Currents and water structure north of the Vema Channel, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES5006, doi:10.2205/2018ES000630.

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