RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 17, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2017ES000578, 2017

Table 1. K-Ar Age of Basalt From the Udokan Range
Sample Rock Sampling site K, % $^{40}$Ar, $10^{-8}$ cm$^3$/g $^{40}$Ar, rad Age, Ma Reference
511/10 Py-Ol L. Burichi 2.65 40 $2.5 \pm 0.5$ M. M. Arakelyants
basalt (IGEM), 1970
625/1 Ol L. Kuas 1.67 60 $5.0 \pm 1.0$ same, 1970
624 Ol L. Kuas 2.04 60 $1.8 \pm 0.15 $ same, 2000
625/1 Ol same place 1.62 50 40 $ 6.0 \pm 1.5 $ [Drubetskoi and Grachev, 1987]
625/3 m Ol same place 1.80 13 4 $3.0 \pm 1.5 $ same
625/4 Ol same place 1.19 160 13 $ 5.5 \pm 1.0 $ same

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Citation: Grachev A. F. (2017), The nature of Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Udokan Range, northwestern segment of the Baikal Rift Zone, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 17, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2017ES000578.

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