3. Potential Role of the EGY for the WDCs

[8]  In 2002, ICSU convened several ad-hoc groups to carry out strategic Priority Area Assessments (PAAs) of key areas. One of these PAAs was on Scientific Data and Information (PAA SDI). http://www.icsu.org/1_icsuinscience/DATA_Paa_1.html The PAA SDI comprises a review of ICSU's data and information activities and organizations, including the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services (FAGS), Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), and the WDC system. A number of recommendations with regard to the re-focusing of ICSU's existing data and information services were made, notably:

[11]  The WDCs have begun to address these recommendations. In 2005, a certification process of the WDCs was started in response to the PAA SDI. This process starts with the establishment of administrative and technological criteria for the WDCs; the specification of minimum standards for WDC accreditation; a review of utilization of and compliance with modern data management techniques; and an overall assessment of adherence to national and international standards. The certification process aims to identify, both on a center-by-center basis and on a system-wide basis, specific activities that would facilitate the adaptation and improvement of individual centers, as well as of the entire system, to the current rapid technological revolution. The WDCs are currently seeking the assistance of the eGY in this certification process.

[12]  The WDC certification criteria will identify three categories among the existing WDCs (all will be compliant with WDC Principles and Responsibilities): a World Data Center (fully operational modern IT standards), an Associate WDC (intends to adopt modern IT standards), and a Center Under Development (WDC-UD). Specifically, a WDC will hold scientifically significant/relevant data holdings; furnish data on a nondiscriminatory basis, without restriction, for no more than the cost of reproduction; maintain a web- accessible directory of holdings compliant with national /international standards; and provide a means for users to find and download data online. An Associate WDC will furnish data on a nondiscriminatory basis, without restriction, for no more than the cost of reproduction; maintain a directory of holdings; and provide a means for users to obtain data. A Center Under Development (UD) will undertake to work towards achieving Associate or World Data Center status. The criteria for the WDC-UD have not yet been formalized; this category is generally meant to apply to new Centers in developing countries. It is foreseen that the eGY could provide the technical expertise needed to validate this certification process and review the current WDC for their information technology capabilities. Conceivability, this certification process could be extended to the new WDCs and other data centers outside of the WDC system.


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