Russian Journal of Earth Sciences

Recommendations to Author and Editor

Manuscript Content and Structure

All articles submitted for publication in the journal are uploaded to the site (see Article Submission). All titles of uploaded files should be in Latin without any special symbols, with one point separating the file name and extension, for example, fig01.tif, f01.gif, paper.doc, tab12.doc, table01.txt etc.

At preparing the article for loading and receiving the electronic version of the manuscript you should have:

We recommend also to include graphical abstract and/or video abstracts (2-3 min) if applicable.

The text should be structured and include:

The basic part can be structured if necessary up to three levels of depth with or without numbering, ò.å. \section{<section_title>}, \subsection{} \subsubsection{}.

Text of acknowledgment for the help in preparing the article (intellectual, technical and financial) must be in the form of a separate fragment and placed at the end of the article before the list of references, or a first appendix (if available).

The article may be submitted with appendices, including a description of the electronic components that are placed after acknowledgement before the reference list.

Article Language

Russian Journal of Earth Sciences publishes articles in English. For historical reasons (the Journal was created in collaboration with the American Geophysical Union) we recommend to use standard U.S. English, as well as the AGU Grammar and Style Guide. For the authors' convenience a copy of this document can also be downloaded from RJES website.

Russian-speaking authors may submit original manuscripts in Russian. These articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Board in the general order provided a guarantee of the author or his organization to prepare qualified translation into English if the article is accepted for publication in the journal.

Manuscript Format

The article may be submitted::

Along with the listed files, it is recommended to additionally submit the version of the article with all the inserted components (annotations, figures, tables, references, etc.) in MS Word or PDF formats. There are no special requirements for the composition of this version, it is important that it is easily readable. This will reduce the time to prepare a review for the article.

Highly specialized jargon, terms and mathematical symbols without explanation, acronyms without decrypting in the text, as well as any other elements that impede understanding of the article's content should never be used.


According to the accepted style of the Journal in-text reference links should not be given in numbers. In-text reference links should follow the format: [Ivanov, 2016] for one author, [Ivanov and Petrov, 2015] for two authors, [Ivanov et al., 2015] for three or more authors. The list of references should not be numberred. It should be arranged in alphabetical order by the first authors' surnames and years of publication of referred sources. It is recommended to put more than one in-text reference links inside square brackets pair separating them with semicolon, e.g. [Ivanov, 2016; Ivanov and Petrov, 2015].

Format of the list of referenced literature

If the original version of the article is not in the LaTeX format with a recommended style file (elxpaper.sty, elxshort.sty version 1.5 or 2.0), the list of referenced literature is reformatted to the form compatible with Crossref recommendations. This is a necessary condition for the participation of the publisher (GC RAS) in the Crossref "Forward Linking" project, which provides timely information on the citation of the relevant article. References may include articles in scientific journals with an assigned DOI identifier and without it, books and articles in books (collections), abstracts of reports at conferences and scientific and technical reports, as well as registered databases and data sets. The types of publications listed have different sets of required parameters and are described in sufficient detail in Table 3 of the guide (DOI: 10.2205/2015BS016).

The inclusion of publications that are not directly related to the content of the article, and excessive self-citation should be avoided in the list of referenced literature. Included in the list of works are automatically excluded if the text does not contain correct references to them.

Floating Article Components

The floating article components (floats), i.e. pictures, tables, animations, videos etc. should be submitted as separate files. The names of the same type, for example, figures (tables) must have the same structure and differ only in number, and the number must match the sequence of appearance of references to the corresponding figure (table) in the text, for example: f01.gif, f02.gif, ....f12.tif, or fig01.tif, fig02.eps,...fig12.tif. Appearance of the original references to floats in a random order is unacceptable, i.e., the first link in the article to Figure 2 must be preceded by a reference to Figure 1 etc.

Screen text should be kept to a minimum in figures (in the field of the image). All necessary explanations should be given in the figure caption. No characters, symbols etc. should be in the figures, which are not explained in the captions or in the text of the article, except geographical names or well-known and well-established terms, which do not require explanation.

For preparing graphics an author should be guided by the version of the article in a journal format, i.e. the recommended resolution is 300 dpi. For linear graphics (black & white) PCX, MSPn, and BMP formats may be used. Though necessary scaling can be easily produced at a final stage, we recommend to prepare graphics files in 1:1 scale, to avoid reducing the graphics quality. The final size of graphics should be not less than 8.5 õ 23 cm, including a figure caption for placing in one column, and 17 õ 23 cm for placing in two columns, i.e. 1000 x 2700 px and 2050 x 2700 px respectively at resolution 300 dpi. Fonts used for captions inside images (after scaling of initial images) should be close (+/-30%} to the font size used for basic text.

In the case of submitting maps with many details a substantial increase in the physical size of the image is permitted. This allows to effectively use the scaling tools when viewing, for example, in Adobe Acrobat, or including such maps in Flash format. Editorial and technical team in such cases provides all the necessary assistance in preparing graphics material.

Other components (animation, video, audio, interfaces to other databases etc.) must also be downloaded as a separate file. As a rule, these components are not edited, but in some cases, especially if the downloadable components have active elements (SSI, ActiveX, Java-based components etc.), you may need an agreement with the system administrator of electronic publishing server.

Tables and data

If the amount of data included in the article does not exceed 2 Kb, they can be included as a structural element in the text of the article or placed in a separate file (or several files by the number of tables) in the formats recommended for the text of the article as an floating object, and both portrait and landscape orientation of the tables are allowed. Sometimes an article is based on data that is much larger than the recommended size of the article, which prevents the inclusion of this data directly into the article. In this case, the editors recommend publishing these data as a specialized database or datasets in the Earth Science DataBase. This is considered as data publication with the corresponding assignment of this publication to a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Article Submission and Publishing Process

1. After downloading the articles the program monitors a number of formal characteristics of the loaded material and generates a prior notification to the author, sent by e-mail system. The system also generates a unique paper identifier used later as a DOI suffix (DOI – Digital Object Identifier).

2. Technical editor checks the availability and consistency of all materials submitted by the author in accordance with the above requirements. In the absence of comments the article goes to further processing (see paragraph 3 below), otherwise the author is requested to download the missing or requiring replacement components.

3. Editor-in-Chief or an authorized member of the Editorial Board examines the article and makes one of the decisions:

4. The Editorial Board informs the author about all stages of processing, re-examines the revised article and, if necessary, sends it to a re-review.

5. Article, accepted for publication, is transferred to the editorial and technical staff, electronic components (animation, video, scripts) are forwarded to the technical staff of the Editorial Board.

6. The first and the most sensitive stage of technical processing is a translation of the text in LaTeX format, preparation of graphics files and descriptions of electronic applications to prepare an integrated LaTeX file as galleys of the article. Proofreading of galleys is done by a technical editor to check the compliance with the text, the use of standardized (recommended) units (SI units) and other technical requirements. Proofs are processed by a special program that provides automatic numbering of paragraphs, verification of compliance with references in the text with a list of references, generates unique identifiers of links, which are then used to generate XML files for Crossref, and also checks the text for the absence of non-Latin characters. The proofs of the article are not subject to any further editorial processing, all the issues related to the quality of articles and translation must be resolved before this stage.

7. The following stages of technical processing are carried out mainly with the use of software developed by technical experts of GC RAS (see paragraph EP Tools Used), and include:

8. Downloading the generated sets of files to the GC RAS server ( and medtadata files to Crossref and eLibrary servers, then the author is notified of the publication of the article, and receives the output data.