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Recommendations to Authors        [in Russian]

Since 2009 for publication in the Russian Journal of Earth Sciences articles are accepted only in English. The Editorial Board is unable to pay for their translation. Russian-speaking authors may submit articles in Russian, the editorial board accepts such articles for consideration, provided that the author or the organization (sponsor) will provide high-quality translation of the article into English in case of a positive decision on the publication of an article in the journal. Articles may be submitted in electronic form in text format, as well as in LaTeX or Word, and should include the main text, figures, tables, and other electronic applications, in accordance with the following recommendations. A hardcopy of the manuscript is only necessary if the text of the article contains special characters and inserts, which can not be played in different versions of Word.
Basic text

The first choice for text format is the LaTeX 2e (with LaTeX 2.09 as a possible palliative). It is strongly recommended to use template (LaTeX style file) developed for the journal and available here. Authors are encouraged to avoid using any macros except those defined in LaTeX 2e, and in the mentioned template. Those authors who are unable to submit paper text in LaTeX may submit it in the text format or Word.

Graphics for printed copy (journal format in PDF)

The first choice for graphics formats are PNG and EPS. Be sure that your graphics editor produces correct EPS format, i.e. without any binary headers and tails, requested by some previewers. Recommended resolution is 300dpi. Though necessary scaling can be easily produced at final stage authors are recommended to prepare graphics files in 1:1 scale, to avoid reducing graphics quality. The final size of figures must not exceed 8.5 x 23 cm, including a figure caption for placing in one column, and 17 x 23 cm for placing in two columns, ie, 1000 x 2700 px and 2050 x 2700 px, respectively, at a resolution of 300 dpi. The initial (physical) size figures may exceed the above. Graphics and tables should be attached to the main text of the article, their names should include information on the sequence of their appearance in the article. For the convenience of reviewers and editors graphics may also be included in the version of the article in the Word version of manuscript.
Graphics for online copy

For greater clarity, we recommend the use of full-color graphics. The technology used by the Editorial Board generates graphics for HTML5 and EPUB3 versions automatically, so no special requirements for their preparation are needed.

It is recommended to avoid tables larger than the page size. If necessary, the author can use landscape layout of the table (90-degree rotation).

In-text references must be given as:

[Jones, 1997] or [Jones and Black, 1997] for one or two authors, and [Jones et al., 1997] for three and more authors. Multiple references inside brackets are separated by semicolon.

The list of references must be given in the form:

First A. B., C. D. Second, E. F. Third, The title of the paper,
Journal Name, Vol. NN, No. MM, YYYY, pp. NNN-MMM. 
Sound and video

These components must be self-consistent and must be able for calling them from WWW browsers, like Netscape Navigator, v. 4 and higher or Microsoft Explorer, v. 4 and higher. Currently no editorial work is assumed with these files.
Demo software and interfaces to databases

These components can be of two types. First type software does not work in real time and need to be loaded and installed on user's computer. Second one assumes to be activated during the session, like HTML documents enhanced with JavaScript or Java applets. Using server side includes (SSI) components in the paper is possible after thorough analysis made by the technical staff of the Editorial Board. Demo Pages show some solutions already used in published papers.
Contact address

Please send your enquires by e-mail vitaly@wdcb.ru or call +7 (495) 930-0546 or +7 (910) 465-3719 (cell).
Updated on September 25, 2014.