
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES VOL. 9, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2007ES000273, 2007

Sustainable development global simulation: Opportunities and treats to the planet

M. Z. Zgurovsky

National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI'', Kyiv, Ukraine


[1]  A system of factors (indices and indicators) and a new method named "Sustainable Development Gauging Matrix'' (SDGM) culminated in a Global Simulation regarding quality of life and security of the world population are developed. The initial data for this simulation were presented by reliable international organizations. Specifically, this study focuses on applying SDGM to analysis of the Systematic Regularity of World Conflicts over the Course of Time. A prognosis is detailed of the next world conflict, labeled the "Conflict of XXI Century'', and an analysis is provided of its nature and main characteristics; duration, main phases of the conflict and intensity. This prognosis details a set of basic global threats that spawn this conflict. Using cluster analysis, its influence on different countries of the world is accurately defined. Inferences are drawn from specific hypotheses as to possible scenarios occurring during the systemic conflict and after its conclusion.

Received 17 September 2007; accepted 12 October 2007; published 26 November 2007.

Keywords: sustainable development, world conflicts, global simulation, noosphere.

Index Terms: 1600 Global Change; 6300 Policy Sciences; 6600 Public Issues.


Citation: Zgurovsky, M. Z. (2007), Sustainable development global simulation: Opportunities and treats to the planet, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 9, ES2003, doi:10.2205/2007ES000273.

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